February 23, 2011

Using a TFTP Server to Upgrade a Cisco IOS Image

Using a TFTP Server to Upgrade a Cisco IOS Image

Topology Diagram

Learning Objectives

Verify the current Cisco IOS image.

Configure access to the TFTP server.

Upload a new Cisco IOS image.

Configure the boot system command.

Test the new Cisco IOS image.


In this activity, you will configure access to a TFTP server and upload a newer, more advanced Cisco IOS image. Although Packet Tracer simulates upgrading the Cisco IOS image on a router, it does not simulate backing up a Cisco IOS image to the TFTP server. In addition, although the image you are upgrading to is more advanced, this Packet Tracer simulation will not reflect the upgrade by enabling more advanced commands. The same Packet Tracer command set will still be in effect.

Task 1: Verify the Current Cisco IOS Image

Step 1. Use the show version command to verify the image currently loaded in RAM.

R2#show version

Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-IPBASE-M), Version 12.3(14)T7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport

Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 15-May-06 14:54 by pt_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

System returned to ROM by power-on

System image file is "flash:c1841-ipbase-mz.123-14.T7.bin"

The image currently loaded in RAM does not support SSH or many other advanced features.

Step 2. Use the show flash command to verify any images currently available in flash.

R2#show flash

System flash directory:

File Length Name/status

1 13832032 c1841-ipbase-mz.123-14.T7.bin

[13832032 bytes used, 18682016 available, 32514048 total]

32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Only one Cisco IOS image is available. Before you can use SSH and additional security features, you must upgrade the image to a more advanced version.

Task 2: Configure Access to the TFTP Server

R2 needs to establish a connection to a TFTP server that has the Cisco IOS image you need.

Step 1. Connect R2 and the TFTP server.

Refer to the topology diagram for the correct interface.

Step 2. Configure R2 with an IP address.

Refer to the topology diagram for the correct IP addressing.

Step 3. Configure the TFTP server with IP addressing and a default gateway.

Refer to the topology diagram for the correct IP addressing.

Step 4. Test connectivity.

R2 should be able to successfully ping the TFTP server. If not, check your cabling and addressing.

Step 5. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 80%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.

Task 3: Upload a New Cisco IOS Image

Step 1. Check the TFTP server for Cisco IOS images.

Click TFTP Server and then the Config tab. Next, click the TFTP tab. Notice that there are several images available. You will upload the c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin image to R2.

Step 2. Upload the c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin image to R2.

On R2, begin the upload process with the copy tftp flash command.

Enter the IP address for TFTP Server.

Enter the entire filename of the Cisco IOS image.

R2#copy tftp flash

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin

Destination filename [c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin]? Enter

Accessing tftp://

Loading c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[OK - 16599160 bytes]

16599160 bytes copied in 13.047 secs (284682 bytes/sec)


Step 3. Verify that the new image is now in flash.

R2#show flash

System flash directory:

File Length Name/status

1 13832032 c1841-ipbase-mz.123-14.T7.bin

2 16599160 c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin

[30431192 bytes used, 2082856 available, 32514048 total]

32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)


Step 4. Check results.

Your completion percentage should be 90%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.

Task 4: Configure the boot system Command

By default, the router bootup sequence loads the first Cisco IOS image listed in flash. One way to make sure that the router loads the new image is to configure the boot system flash command. On R2, enter the following command:

R2(config)#boot system flash c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin

This command is now part of the running configuration. However, the running configuration must also be saved to NVRAM; otherwise, the configuration is overwritten the next time you reload the router.


R2#copy running-config startup-config

Your completion percentage should be 100%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.

Task 5: Test the New Image

Reload R2 and wait for it to reboot. When the router reloads, verify that the new image is in RAM with the show version command.


Proceed with reload? [confirm][Enter]

%SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload Command.

R2>show version

Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.4(12), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Compiled Mon 15-May-06 14:54 by pt_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

System returned to ROM by power-on

System image file is "flash:c1841-ipbasek9-mz.124-12.bin"

link: http://www.thecenterforadvancedlearning.org/cisco/semester_4/courses/en1400000000/en1404000000/en1404050000/en1404050400/en1404050403/E4_PTAct_4_5_4.pdf

February 20, 2011

Cara mengetahu driver pc yg hilang

Setelah instal ulang Pc biasanya tidak semua driver ke detek .nah untuk mengetahui driver yg gak kedetek tidak perlu kita bongkar pc nya untuk tahu merk dan id devicenya.
1. buka start-program-accesoris-system tools-system information.

2. masuk ke component - problem devices
3. di sebelah kanan akan muncul apasaja yang tidak terdeteksi,
4. untuk tau vendornya cari kode 4 digit contoh 'ven_1969' n klo device id 'dev_1048'
5. buka http://www.pcidatabase.com/
6. selanjutnya masukan kode diatas di situs tsb..nanti akan ketahuan apa vendor dan device idnya
7. setelah tau tau vendor n device id nya cari disitus vendor tsb.

moga bermanfaat


Tentang saya

Sebenarnya saya kurang begitu suka menulis.blog ini saya buat dgn tujuan membuat catatan karena saya termasuk orang yg mudah lupa.
Bilamana tulisan ini berguna buat orang lain ya Alkhamdullilah.
Kebanyakan blog saya ini berisi tentang cisco (td bermaksud promosi ) karena saya telah menyelesaikan program CNAP di UI th 2010..cma belum sertifikasi internasional sichh hehe..(lum ada duit n lom pede nih)..
saya bisa di kontak lewat : setyo.hermanto@yahoo.co.id
